
Continuity of Instruction COVID/19


In light of the current risk and of its responsibility towards our college community, and to ensure the health and welfare of its staff and students, while also ensuring the continuity of its programs, Lively Technical College has elaborated the following contingency plan, in compliance with CDC guidelines.

Lively Technical College COVD-19 contingency plan is meant to be a fluid document which will be updated as new information and CDC, state, and federal directives arise.


This plan is intended to provide direction for administrators, faculty, staff, and students who should use this plan to make the necessary arrangements in their routine operation in workplace and educational setting and to determine any appropriate control measures to implement. It is also intended to provide insight for students and families as they contemplate returning to learn. This
plan was created with input from Lively Technical College instructors and administrators with the following goals and considerations.


  1. Keep Lively Technical College’s education family safe and healthy
  2. Continue providing exceptional, continuous workforce education
  3. Focus on student-centered outcomes
  4. Ensure accurate and timely communication to Lively Technical College’s community
  5. Implement Florida Department of Education (FDOE) Reopening Plan
  6. Commit to continued mitigation & detection efforts
  7. Ensure coordinated response with local health officials and other organizations


As our collective understanding of COVID-19 has evolved, our national and state experts continually update their guidance. A great risk mitigation strategy is not a static document, and should be continually revisited and revised, adhering to guidelines from CDC, state and local departments of health.

  1. Key Resources from Leon County
    Leon County School COVID-19 Guidance: LCS Guidance
    Leon County Information Portal: COVID-19 Information Portal
    Leon County Department of Health: Leon COVID19 Health Resources
    City of Tallahassee COVID-19 Local Impact: TLC Covid-19
  2. Key Resources from FDOE
    Reopening Florida’s Schools & CARES Act Plan: Reopening Plan
    FDOE’s Emergency Response Resources: FDOE’s COVID-19 Important Documents
    DOE Order No. 2020-EO-01: Emergency Order #1
    DOE Order No. 2020-EO-02: Emergency Order #2
  3. CDC Guidance
    CDC IHE Guidance: CDC Guidance for Postsecondary Institutions
    Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes Guidance for Cleaning
  4. State Guidance
    Governor DeSantis’ Florida COVID-19 Resource Center is a one-stop gateway to Florida’s experts in recovery and reopening.
    Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan For Florida’s Recovery Task Force report.
    Florida Department of Health’s (FDOH) COVID-19 resource page.
    The benchmarks for reopening in the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan utilized the White House and CDC Guidelines for Opening America Again as a baseline.


Communication is paramount to effective response to a pandemic. As the status of COVID-19 continues to evolve, Lively Technical College’s Contingency Planning & Implementation Team is constantly reviewing and analyzing the situation. We will provide all faculty, staff and students with any updates and/or changes as they arise.

Lively Technical College is committed to providing clear directions and guidance as to the status of our programs and general school operation. Lively is committed to using the following platforms to communicate with our school community:

  • FOCUS Student Portal Messaging Platform: for currently enrolled students
  • Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: for the public, currently enrolled students and staff
  • School Website: for the public, currently enrolled students and staff
  • Email Communication: for communicating with current students and staff
  • Remind App: for communicating with staff

Notification Processes

To date, all communication regarding Lively Technical College’s COVID-19 Contingency Plan has been sent out electronically to all faculty, staff and students via email, and posted within the Student/Faculty Portal and on the school website.

In the event of a sudden campus closure, or change in academic delivery method, all faculty, staff and students will be initially notified through our Emergency Notification System, and follow-up guidance will be sent electronically via email, text notification, and social media announcements.

Health & Safety Measures

Education programs are inherently designed for social interaction, not social distancing, so for all educational programs, cleaning, disinfecting and social distancing are essential. However, thorough, collaborative and multifaceted reopening and risk mitigation strategies are needed to implement healthy campuses and programs, while earning public confidence.

Lively Technical College responds to the crisis proportionate to the scale of the crisis, and now intends to preserve in-person education to the extent possible, and move to distance learning only when educationally beneficial or necessary under the guidance of local health professionals.

Guidance for Reopening Healthy Learning Environments

Prior to any student and staff member returning to campus, a health screening must be completed. On each day an employee, student, or guest is on campus, they will answer questions related to COVID-19 exposure and symptoms. All individuals must also follow the guidelines at the end of the survey regarding whether they are allowed on campus for authorized activities. All staff members will have their temperatures taken and recorded daily. All students are encouraged to wear a face mask while on campus, except when not conducive to learning and where other safety gear is applicable (i.e. welding). All staff members must wear a mask when around other staff members, students and the public. Masks do not have to be worn by staff when they are working alone in their office.

An important step to supporting safety in schools is allowing at-risk students and staff to stay home and ensuring that all suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 are immediately quarantined. Lively Technical College will follow specific protocol for all students prior to returning to school in August. Lively recognizes that in some instances, we must continue to provide ongoing distance learning to support students and staff who are in and out of school for health reasons.

Lively Technical College will maintain an adequate supply of necessary supplies and materials to undertake those emergency protective measures, including cloth face coverings, supplies for cleaning and disinfecting, hand sanitizer, bleach wipes and spray and other personal protective equipment (PPE).

Lively Technical College’s medically vulnerable faculty and staff will work with their doctors to create a return to work plan. Whenever feasible for medically vulnerable staff, steps will be taken to minimize the number of people they interact with, Lively Technical College will consider flexible leave policies. The same guidelines apply for students and staff who live with medically
vulnerable family members (parents, grandparents, caregivers, etc.).

Step-by-Step Approach

As with other technical colleges, Lively Technical College recognizes the immediate ability to allow limited and safely conducted CTE course-related work to occur. The approach below details a “dimmer switch” model, with full reopening and in-person learning set to occur in August, at the start of the new Academic Year.

June & July Programs (continued enrollment from spring semester)

For programs that continued into June and July, instructors are using a hybrid approach to student learning. Students can volunteer to come to campus for hands-on learning, clinical experience and industry certification testing. All students who return complete a daily health screening form. All individuals must also follow the guidelines at the end of the survey
regarding whether they are allowed on campus for authorized activities. All students must wear a face mask while on campus, except when not conducive to learning and where other safety gear is applicable (i.e. welding).

June & July Programs (new enrollment)

For programs with new school enrollment for June and July, students are required to be on campus for instruction. However, enrollment is limited to 10 or fewer people, including the instructor, in a single occupied space. All students are required to wear a face mask when on campus.

Promote Risk Reduction Through a Great Culture of Teaching

All types of educational programs have a trusted and persisting role in educating and guiding how millions of Floridians, young and old, embrace their personal efforts to reduce risks for all Floridians. Lively Technical College aims to promote risk reduction by means of educating our students, staff and the public on what they can do to stop the spread of COVID/19 and other communicable diseases. All instructors will educate their students on preventative hygiene and self-screening practices as part of orientation to their program/course. Lively Technical College has gone to great lengths to post handwashing guidelines from the Center for Disease Control in all restrooms as well as signage around campus related to proper hygiene.

Create Visible Safe Learning Zones

Minimizing spontaneity, uncertainty and ultimately risk on any educational campus is aided by visibly showing everyone what safety looks like, creating a visible feeling of health and safety, so that students and staff can settle into learning rather than wondering.
Lively Technical College will commit to:

  • Encouraging visible signals of health and safety from the moment students and staff arrive on campus, or at a program, with physical guides, barriers and alerts that help everyone learn and know how to act safely.
  • Encouraging the use of outside and unconventional spaces with significant options for social distancing for learning and extracurricular activities. When on campus, to the extent possible, will consider moving large staff meetings and student assemblies to more open spaces or utilize virtual tools. The first priority should always be facilitating in-person course needs,
    so extra convenings should leverage alternative means to convene.
  • Practicing social distancing whenever feasible, as the virus is most transmissible indoors under close, sustained contact.
  • Encouraging all students, faculty and staff to frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least a 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available. In addition, it will recommend that all: 1) avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, 2) cover cough or sneeze with elbow or a tissue and dispose of the tissue, 3) clean and disinfect
    frequently touched items and surfaces as much as possible. If anyone feels sick, they will be encouraged to stay home. If students become sick, ensure there is comprehensive school health protocol in place.
  • Encouraging all that if they believe themselves infected with COVID-19, to immediately contact their health care provider.
  • Encouraging all who are older than 65 or have a serious medical condition to avoid large crowds and encourage all employees who feel sick to stay home and monitor all with COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Consulting with the county health department regarding procedures for workforce tracing following a positive COVID-19 test by an employee, student or those who have come into contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19.• Plexiglass barriers have been installed in areas requiring face-to-face interaction with students including Testing, Financial Aid and Student Services offices.
  • Maintenance staff have undergone additional training for disinfectant and sanitation. Staff is focused on daily deep cleaning of students used spaces, common spaces and staff offices.
  • Instructional and office staff have been provided hand sanitizer for student/guest use as well as disinfectant wipes to be used for wiping down high-touch areas such as door knobs, light switches, copiers, cabinet doors, drawers, countertops, faucets, telephones and keyboards throughout the day.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn by health education students during their practical labs.
  • While not required, all students are encouraged to wear a face covering while on campus, except when not conducive to learning and where other safety gear is applicable (i.e. welding). Face coverings are encouraged to be worn in classrooms, labs, and other areas where students may convene. All staff members must wear a mask when around other staff members, students and the public. Masks do not have to be worn by staff when they are working alone in their office.
  • Gloves will be provided to faculty, staff and students who require them to perform certain job functions, such as handling mail, custodial work, laboratory instruction with live clients (ie. nails, cosmetology), certain trades and grounds keeping.
  • Prior to any student and staff member returning to campus, a health screening must be completed. On each day an employee, student, or guest is on campus, they will answer questions related to COVID-19 exposure and symptoms. All individuals must also follow the guidelines at the end of the survey regarding whether they are allowed on campus for authorized activities. All staff members will have their temperatures taken and recorded daily.
  • Social distancing protocols will be adhered to in all areas including campus common spaces. Guidelines will be posted to remind individuals to respect the personal space of others and capacity limits will be adhered to. Staff will remind individuals of social distancing guidelines when capacity is reached in a given area. Individuals will be given options as to where to wait when capacity in a given area is reached.

Academic & Student Affairs

The health, safety and well-being of Lively Technical College’s students, faculty and staff has our utmost priority. As the current status of COVID-19 evolves, we are continuing to follow the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Florida Department of Health (FDOH), Florida Department of Education (FDOE) and our regulatory bodies. In attempts to keep our current students academically on track and progressing throughout their program as planned we have developed an instructional plan to provide students with the necessary instruction to be successful in their coursework.

Summer Enrolled Students

Courses, clinicals, and/or practicums scheduled to meet during the latter half of the summer will meet as planned, with possible exceptions, on campus or on site during the regularly scheduled time. All current and active student cohorts may consist of 9 or fewer students in a single occupied space, keeping class sizes small, and on-campus traffic at a minimum. Due to our small class sizes, we are confident we can remain serving our students with minimal disruptions.

For programs, clinicals, practicums, and/or courses that are impacted, view the PDF version.

Program Advisory Committees

The Commission with the Council on Occupational Education (COE) approved a revision to this accommodation to require that institutions document ONLY ONE occupational advisory committee meeting for each program for compliance with COE Standards from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Additionally, the one required meeting may be held virtually. This temporary exemption applies only to COE requirements and should not be considered a waiver for programmatic, state and/or federal requirements related to advisory committees.

Lively Technical College will require all fall programs to hold a minimum of one advisory meeting from August 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 as we feel it more important than ever to involve the advisory committee with the program making recommendations for program improvement and providing technical assistance to assure the most up-to-date curriculum content and appropriate
applications of technology. Lively understands that during these uncertain times, advisory committees are a vital link between the career and technical education program and business and industry.

Clinical Stakeholders

The following accommodations are currently in place:

Nursing Assistant (H170690): DOH No. 20-003 With approval of dean/program director/program chair or coordinator allows for substitution of remote live videoconferencing for didactic hours and simulation for all supervised clinical instruction hours.
If Executive Order 20-52 is extended, this provision is automatically extended as it runs consecutively with Executive Order 20-52

Practical Nursing (H170607): DOH No. 20-003 With approval of dean/program director/program chair or coordinator allows for substitution of remote live videoconferencing for didactic hours and simulation for all supervised clinical instruction hours.
If Executive Order 20-52 is extended, this provision is automatically extended as it runs consecutively with Executive Order 20-52.

Online Instruction/Remote Learning

For programs starting in the fall of 2020, students will return with in person instruction. However, based on size and space, programs may continue to operate with a hybrid learning approach providing both traditional and online (distance) instruction. Using Zoom, Canvas, FOCUS, Microsoft Teams, Cengage and other program specific software solutions, Lively Technical College instructors can carry out live (synchronous) classes for remote learning and asynchronous classes. All software is accessible through multiple devices including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. When possible, implementation and guidance is reviewed with students in the classroom prior to enacting emergency virtual learning provisions. Guidance is also distributed to students electronically and will be available in the FOCUS student portal.

Academic Management Practices for Remote Learning

Attendance: For programs with distance education opportunities, attendance is taken two ways. With synchronous learning, where students attend scheduled virtual classes, instructors are continuing to track attendance as they normally would. For asynchronous learning, students attendance will be evaluated through daily participation with the learning management platform (student logins) and students will be required to click “present” daily through FOCUS.

Grading & Assessments: All instructors will communicate with their students as to the grading policies and assessment schedules for their individual program.

Work-based Learning/Clinical Requirement Information: For programs with work-based learning and clinical requirements, instructors will communicate with students as to any accommodations that have been made.

Faculty Support for Remote Learning

Student Services Department:
Mary McShane: mcshanem@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7473 Fax: 850.487.7430

Registration Department:
(Transcripts, Enrollment Verification & Change of Address)
Stacey Turknett: turknettst@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7414 Fax: 850.487.7436

Financial Aid & Veteran Affairs:
Tiffany Randolph: LTCFinaid@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7421 Fax: 850.487.7682

General Testing Services:
Beth Shields: shieldse@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7467 Fax: 850.487.7416

Business Services/Student Accounts
Matt Zadra: zadram@leonschools.net
Jennifer Madson: madsonj@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7413 Fax: 850.487.7492

Industry Certification Testing & Dual Enrollment:
Sean Friend: friends@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7602 Fax: 850.922.3880

IT Support & Help Desk
James Strickland: ltc.helpdesk@leonschools.net
Phone: 850.487.7455 Fax: 850.922.3880

Student Affairs Questions

For specific information on withdrawal/refund procedures, attendance requirements, etc. please refer to the Student Handbook which can be found by visiting livelytech.com. A printed copy is also provided to all students upon enrollment and copies are available in Student Services.

General Operations

What happens if someone on campus is diagnosed with COVID/19?
Lively Technical College will immediately notify local health officials. Local officials will help administration determine a course of action. Any decision about school dismissal or cancellation will be made in coordination with our local health officials and Leon County School Board. There may be a case where Lively may need to temporarily dismiss school for 2-5 days, if someone with
COVID-19 was on campus. This initial short-term dismissal allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation impacting the school and for custodial staff to clean and disinfect the affected facilities. Lively would work with the local health officials to determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow further spread of COVID-19.

If there is substantial transmission in the local community, local health officials may suggest extended school dismissals. This longerterm, and likely broader-reaching, dismissal strategy is intended to slow transmission rates of COVID-19 in the community.

What happens if there is substantial community transmission?
If local health officials have determined there is substantial transmission of COVID-19 within the community, they will provide guidance to administrators on the best course of action for Lively Technical College. Similar strategies will extend across organizations (e.g., K-12 schools, business, community and faith-based organizations) in a collective effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Measures will likely include extended class suspension and event/activity cancellations (e.g., suspension/cancellations for longer than two weeks). This longer-term, and likely broader-reaching, strategy is intended to slow transmission rates of COVID-19 in the community.

LTC Continuity of Instruction Plan – PDF / Print Version